In delivering a quality curriculum for all students at Rossmoyne Primary School, our purpose is..
“To inspire lifelong learners who strive for personal excellence and community engagement”.
Rossmoyne Primary School follows the Western Australian Curriculum which sets out the knowledge, understandings, skills and values that the students are expected to acquire. The curriculum has a focus on developing students as learners in the twenty first century and as well as outlining content, the curriculum includes three cross curriculum priorities and seven general capabilities.
The Western Australian Curriculum comprises:
More detailed information can be found at
The Western Australian Curriculum is the basis for leaching and learning at Rossmoyne Primary along with a commitment from all staff to offer students a broad and balanced curriculum that is embedded in our contemporary learning environment.
The Rossmoyne Teaching and Learning Model outlines our approach to ‘rich learning’ for all students and the aspects which ensure that students are engaged in learning in order to achieve their personal best in a safe and inclusive environment.
In building lifelong learners, Rossmoyne Primary School’s learning program has a strong emphasis on higher order thinking skills (HOTS) and collaborative learning in order to immerse students in learning that encourages critical and creative thinking, problem solving and collaboration. Our use of modern technologies as tools for learning also engages our students in developing these skills.
Learning programs at Rossmoyne Primary School provide support and extension for students as they require it. By understanding how students learn and identifying their strengths and weaknesses, teachers are able to make accommodations to cater to the learning needs of all students in their class.