
Student Learning

Environmental Initiatives

The Australian Curriculum places emphasis on Sustainability as a priority for study that connects and relates relevant aspects of content across learning areas and subjects. Through the priority of Sustainability, students develop the knowledge, skills, values and world views necessary to contribute to more sustainable patterns of living.

In addition to teaching environmental sustainability through curriculum content, Rossmoyne Primary School is proudly involved in a number of initiatives that promote environmental sustainability.

Environmental Advocates

The ‘Environmental Advocates’ are a component of our student leadership program. Four year 6 students are elected each semester to fulfil the role. These students actively seek to instigate and promote initiatives to improve the school, local and global environment.

Initiatives have included:

  • Plastic recycling-in partnership with Green Batch the advocates promote and collect plastic from the whole school community. The plastic is collected by Green Batch and turned into 3D Printer filament.
  • Residential Recycling Bins-the advocates identify and promote the recycling of appropriate materials to place in residential recycling bins.
  • Reusable coffee cups-in partnership with the Rossmoyne Primary School River Rangers the advocates researched and purchased reusable coffee cups for the teaching staff. This initiative saves over 1000 disposable cups going to land fill each year.
  • Battery Recycling-in partnership with Battery World the advocates initiated battery recycling throughout the school.

Whole School Recycling

  • Batteries- in partnership with Battery World we collect batteries throughout the school for recycling
  • Cans-the students collect soft drink cans for a whole school can collection competition. The money raised is used to support our World Vision child.
  • Paper-paper and cardboard is collected throughout the school for recycling.
  • Plastic- in partnership with Green Batch our school collects type 1 & 2 plastic. The plastic is collected by Green Batch and turned into 3D Printer filament.


Our school is a Waterwise School. We have worked with Men of The Trees and Trillion Trees to plant native, water wise plants throughout the school that also attract insects and native birds. We have two edible gardens that teachers incorporate in the learning program along with worm farms. We also have rainwater tanks which are used to water some of the gardens.

Renewable Energy

We have a large number of solar panels which help generate electricity for the school and ‘timed’ light switches in most rooms to save power.