
Student Learning

Primary Extension and Challenge (PEAC) Program

Primary Extension and Challenge (PEAC) is a part-time program for public school children in Years 5 and 6. Children are selected for entry to the PEAC program through aptitude testing (across the South Metropolitan Education district) in Year 4. The testing takes place at school usually in Term 3.

Students who are selected for PEAC participate in a range of innovative and challenging programs once per week for half a day throughout the school year. The programs run at various sites.

Programs focus on:

  • social interaction with gifted and talented peers
  • intellectual rigour and challenge
  • pursuit of excellence
  • development of higher order process skills
  • in-depth investigations of real problems
  • open-ended activities which encourage choice and negotiation
  • opportunities to interact with practising experts
  • students working at their own pace
  • self/peer evaluation and reflection of performance.

PEAC programs are managed at a regional level. Contact your local Education Regional Office to find out more.